

News from your Translator in New Orleans

German Word of the Day


(Austrian actually and it's a set of related words.)
Jahressiebentel, Siebentelabschreibung, Siebentelabschreibungen auf Beteiligungen, Teilwertabschreibung-Siebentel
Refers to the write-down of losses equity investments over a 7-year period permitted under section 12 (3) (2) of the Austrian Income Tax Act.

The perils of Denglisch!


Even with clear context, my mind initially refused to read "geratet/gerateten" as anything other than "ge-rautet/-en" (as in the past participle of the German verb "raten" to guess/advise/counsel".
I had to force my brain to say it in Denglish!
"...von den am Periodenanfang Baa gerateten Unternehmen wiesen am Periodenende... auf ...und 2 % waren nicht mehr geratet"
For the German-impaired (and maybe the not so German-impaired" the word means "rated' (as in a credit rating).

German Word of the Day


I haven't posted a German Word of the Day in a while. Not a word today but an accounting phrase. Definitely not pretty (in either language) but it is what it is.
Erfolgsneutrale Erfassung von Erträgen und Aufwendungen aus Direkt im Eigenkapital von At-Equity bewerteten Beteiligungen erfassten Änderungen
Income and expenses recognized in equity from changes recognized directly in equity of investments accounted for at equity
(And not my preferred wording but the client insists)